Taurus (Latin for "the Bull"), is one of the oldest worldly recognized constellations. It dates officially back to the Early Bronze Age (3200-2100 BCE), but there is evidence that suggests that people of the Stone Age saw this constellation to take the form as a bull, some 10,000s years ago.
This cluster of stars is highly recognizable due to the pronounced "V" shape that represents the horns of the bull, with the bright orange Aldebaran taking the place as the bull's eye. Aldebaran shines 500 times brighter than our sun.
The Crab Nebula and the Pleiades Cluster also reside within Taurus' boundaries, which may contribute to why the constellation can be traced back thousands of years through human history. The Pleiades Cluster is a formation of stars so closely interwoven uniquely shaped for the stars visible from the Earth's surface, that there are myths surrounding these stars originating from all around the world.
It shines in the Northern hemisphere during the autumn and winter months, and is visible upside down in the Southern hemisphere during the summer and spring. Taurus is one of the twelve zodiac constellations, representing the birth period between April 22 through May 22.
Taurus: 5” x 5”
Milky Way: 6.5” x 4”
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